Frequently Asked Questions
We know that you want to see results quickly, and so do we! Once we have the green-light on a site design, we are able to implement the web development work very quickly. You will see an amazing results in as little as one week.We approximate 1-2 weeks for a full site redesign, particularly if there are requested changes, and another 1 week for development and implementations.
Most website design company charges $15,000-$40,000. We believe in smart solutions, and we care about your business. We only charge you as low as $179. We see each project with a new client as just the start of a longer-term relationship, rather than a quick-turn one-and-done transaction.
Absolutely nothing. And on top of that, you won’t be hounded afterwards, or placed into a drip campaign that clutters up your inbox. You just get a clear idea of what your site needs and how to do it, whether it’s with us or someone else. Simply contact us to get started.
In most cases, we can take over the management with some effort.
Our initial task is to do a health check of the existing website. Once we complete an audit, we’ll be able to determine if we can simply optimize the foundation of the website that have already been created, or if there is an opportunity to maximize performance by building the campaigns from the ground up.
Paraphrase: Firstly, we’ll be working closely together throughout the project, with multiple opportunities for feedback. This will ensure that you are satisfied with the design, functionality, content, and strategy of the website as it launches.
It is important for websites to constantly evolve and grow along with your business and customers.
Our team is available to make small changes, which as part of an ongoing monthly maintenance work. Larger initiatives such as new integrations, major features, or enhancements can be treated as a mini-project, with a scope of work, delineated deliverables, and budget/timeline expectations for sign-off.